Capitol Visitors Parking Garage
Address: | 1201 San Jacinto Blvd, Austin, Texas 78701 |
Entrance: | Entrances are on E 12th St and E 13th St. |
Exit: | Visitor exit is onto San Jacinto Blvd one way south. |
Maps: |

Daily Rates
Weekday: Parking is free for the first 2 hours. $1 for each half hour thereafter. Maximum daily charge is $12. No Overnight Parking.
Weekend: Parking is sometimes free but is subject to pre-paid fees for special events. The maximum daily charge varies up to $25. No Overnight Parking.
Parking Meters
Accessible Parking
Vehicles properly displaying an official disabled parking placard or disabled parking license may park at parking meters in the Texas Capitol Complex for free.
Hours and Contact
Hours: |
Monday through Friday, 7:00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.
No Overnight Parking |
Email: | |
Phone: | (512) 463-6365 |