Capitol Facilities Services

Service Request

The State Preservation Board is the property manager of the Texas Capitol, Capitol Extension, Capitol Visitors Center, Bullock Museum, Sam Houston Office Building and other State Office Buildings within the Texas Capitol Complex.

  • Building occupants may contact our service desk by dialing 4-7777 from any LAN phone within the Capitol Complex or by emailing
  • From outside the Capitol Complex and after hours call (512) 463-1251.
  • Office Hours are Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Facilities Services

  1. Office temperature adjustments
  2. Lighting and office light bulbs
  3. Electrical service
  4. Plumbing
  5. Painting
  6. Door hardware repair
  7. Office door signs
  8. Office vacuuming
  9. Trash and paper recycling pick-up
  10. Paper recycling containers
  11. Pest control
  12. Picture hanging on any wall in the Capitol
  13. Picture hanging for anything over 50 pounds in the Extension
  14. TV wall mounting (Not allowed in the Capitol)

Housekeeping Notice

Overnight office cleaning includes light dusting, vacuuming, and trash removal. Please be careful not to place anything on or in trash cans that are not trash.

Projects and Initiative

SPB Projects and Initiative are posted on the Projects and Initiatives page. Bid Opportunities are posted on the SPB Procurement page.

Building Change Request

Modifications to office plumbing, electrical or cable and telephone outlets, and hanging TVs require the submission of a Building Change Request Form. Requests should be submitted to the Secretary of the Senate or to the House Administration Committee for review. Once approved by either the Secretary of the Senate or House Administration, the State Preservation Board will review the requested change to assess the architectural impact and demands on the building systems. Officeholders are responsible for funding any approved office modification. Building Change Request Form (PDF)

Events Request