Capitol Accessibility Services

Accessibility Guide

  • Accessibility: All Capitol, Capitol Extension, and Capitol Visitors Center facilities are accessible to persons with disabilities.

  • Security: All visitors must undergo security screening upon entering the Capitol. Please plan accordingly and allow extra time for this process.

  • Feedback: Please visit our Customer Feedback page to share your thoughts and experiences.

  • Print version with guide and maps: Capitol Accessibility Guide (PDF)
Accessible Routes marker on the Capitol grounds.

Contact Information

For special assistance, contact the Capitol Information and Tour Guides office.

Location: Capitol 1S.2, First Floor, South Wing.
Phone: (512) 463-0063

For concerns and information on accommodations for people with disabilities, please contact:

Senate ADA Coordinator

Name: Delicia Sams
Phone: (512) 463-0400

House ADA Coordinator

Name: Ruben Aguillon
Phone: (512) 463-0865

Tour Publications, ASL, and Scheduling

  • Publications are available in large print and Braille for the Capitol, Capitol Visitors Center, and Grounds. Brochures can be checked out and returned after use from the Capitol Information and Guide Service in Capitol 1S.2.

  • Guided tours of the Capitol, Capitol Visitors Center, and Governor’s Mansion with American Sign Language (ASL) interpreters can be arranged with one week's advance notice.

Capitol and Visitors Center Tour Coordinator

Name: Kandace Russell
Phone: (512) 305-8402

Governor's Mansion Tour Reservationist

Parking, Route Markers, and Motorized Scooters

  • Street parking is limited and competitive. Parking in the Visitor Parking Garage is recommended.

  • Vehicles properly displaying an official disabled parking placard or disabled parking license may park at parking meters in the Texas Capitol Complex for free.

  • Watch for Accessibility Route markers on the Capitol Grounds which indicate ADA code-compliant routes to and from the Capitol's North Entrance, the Capitol Visitors Center's South Entrance, and the Capitol Visitors Parking Garage.

  • Motorized scooters are not allowed on the Capitol Grounds.

Historic Building Precautions

Please be aware that historic buildings often have uneven floors, narrow staircases, and other hazards that may cause you to trip, slip, or fall. These hazards can be especially dangerous for older adults or those with mobility issues. To prevent accidents, please take the following precautions:

  • Wear appropriate footwear with good traction.

  • Use handrails when ascending or descending stairs.

  • Watch your step and be mindful of uneven surfaces.

  • Avoid carrying heavy or bulky items that may impede your movement or vision.

  • Be cautious in areas with low lighting or limited visibility.

We want you to enjoy your visit, but safety is our top priority. Please take extra care when exploring historic buildings and notify a staff member if you notice any potential hazards. Thank you for your cooperation.

Service Animals and Pets

No pets are allowed in SPB managed properties.

The SPB complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and allows service animals trained to perform specific tasks for an individual with a disability into all public areas of its facilities. Dogs are the ONLY animals recognized as service animals by federal law with miniature horses/ponies afforded special consideration.

Miniature horses are allowed into SPB managed properties as service animals under the ADA provided they meet certain requirements.

The ADA does not recognize emotional support animals as service animals if the animal’s mere presence is to provide comfort. The animal must be trained to perform a task related to a person’s disability. No animals, other than ADA compliant service dogs or miniature horses, are allowed in the building.

Representing a pet as a service animal is against the law in Texas. Violators could face up to a $1,000 fine and 30 hours of community service under H.B. No. 4164, Improper Use of Service Animals Penalty .

Family Restrooms

  • Two family use restrooms are available at the end of the tunnel leading from the Capitol north wing elevators on level E2.

  • Baby changing tables are located in the 2nd floor restrooms of the Capitol.

  • View all locations within the Texas Capitol and Extension in the Capitol Visitors Guide (PDF).

Public-Capitol Wireless Access

The Texas Legislative Council offers open wireless internet access in the Capitol Complex for public use. For wireless policy and connection details, please visit the Texas Legislature Online .


Wheelchairs may be checked out at the Tour Guide office for use on tours.