Capitol Mall General Use Policy


A written policy for the use of the Texas Capitol Mall. This policy is intended to secure and preserve the area and allow the fullest use and enjoyment of facilities by the public.

Policy Content and Applicability

  1. These rules apply to all Capitol Mall areas under the management of the State Preservation Board.
  2. These rules apply to general usage, not to events scheduled and permitted for use on the Mall by the State Preservation Board (herein referred to as SPB). The Capitol Mall may be closed in whole or in part for special use permits and special events, grounds management and protection, public safety concerns and other maintenance or roadwork reasons, with or without notice as determined by the SPB.
  3. Visitors and persons using the Capitol Mall for any purposes shall be required to leave the Capitol Mall when the Mall is closed to the public or as requested by SPB or the Department of Public Safety.
  4. Hours: The Capitol Mall is open to the public for use between 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.
  5. This policy may be amended as needed by SPB.

Use of Capitol Mall

Visitors and persons using the Capitol Mall for any purpose are prohibited from:

  1. Attaching signs, banners, or other displays to a part of the buildings or structures, including benches, trees, grass, flower beds, outdoor furniture, sculptures, monuments, walls, rails, fences, lamp posts, bollards, sidewalks on the grounds of the Capitol Mall except as approved by the board;
  2. Climbing trees, hanging items, including swings, slacklines, and hammocks in trees, or cutting or collecting wood, flowers or leaves from trees on the Mall;
  3. Climbing on or hanging from sculptures;
  4. Placing any furniture, including but not limited to portable chairs, or equipment on the Capitol Mall except as approved by the SPB;
  5. Setting up or placing camping equipment, shelter, tents, cardboard boxes/containers, or related materials on the Capitol Mall except as approved by the SPB for special events;
  6. Blocking ingress and egress to state office buildings, mall adjacent buildings and parking garages:
  7. Conducting actions that pose a risk to safety as determined by SPB;
  8. Smoking and electronic vaping devices in the public areas of the Capitol Mall;
  9. Using any type of sound amplification unless as approved by the SPB for Public Events.
  10. Use of pyrotechnics, open flames, fireworks, projectile objects, lasers, and projected lights on buildings or mall surfaces except as approved by the SPB.
  11. Using Capitol Mall grounds or other areas under authority of the board for the commercial benefit of individuals, business, corporation, special interest group or other entity except as approved by SPB.
  12. Vending, fundraising, or any other exchange of monies except as approved by the SPB.
  13. Skateboarding, roller skating, roller blading, and related activities. This does not include personal mobility devices when used for mobility assistance.
  14. Public nudity, including urination and defecation in any area of the Capitol Mall; littering; or the scattering of human or pet ashes from cremation throughout the Capitol Mall.
  15. Digging, altering, or staking into the turf or landscape, except as approved by the SPB.
  16. The sale or consumption of alcoholic beverages, the possession of an open container of an alcoholic beverage, or the gift of an alcoholic beverage in an open container or for on-premises consumption on the Capitol Mall. This prohibition does not apply to:
    1. Areas not under the control of the SPB, including buildings under the control of another state agency or officer; or
    2. Approved public events conducted in areas under the control of the SPB and for which the Events office of the State Preservation Board has approved sale or consumption of alcoholic beverages.
  17. Using any drinking fountain, sprinkler, or body of water for bathing and/or laundering.
  18. Discharge of firearms.
  19. Using chalk, paint or any type of marker permanent or not, on sidewalks, buildings, or garages.


  1. All persons with an animal on the Capitol Mall shall be required to:
    1. Restrain animals and pets at all times on a physical leash or similar device in the immediate control of the owner while on the grounds of the Mall, except as approved by the SPB; and
    2. Remove and dispose of solid animal or pet waste deposited on the Capitol Mall by their animals.
  2. Riding, leading, placing or displaying livestock or exotic animals on turf or adjacent streets, including but not limited to equine and bovine animals, is prohibited except as approved by the SPB as part of a scheduled event, or as needed for security purposes.


  1. Pedicabs are allowed to transit public streets within the boundaries of the Capitol Mall. Pedicabs are prohibited on the sidewalks and landscaped zones. Pedicabs are allowed to stage/wait for passengers only in those locations designated by the SPB. Pedicab operators are required to have a valid City of Austin permit.
  2. Bicycles are allowed to transit public streets, driveways, and parking areas, or on routes designated for bicycle use. Bicycles are allowed on sidewalks only where designated by signage. Bicycles can only be parked and locked to bicycle racks. Bicycles are not allowed to be locked to trees, rails, posts, fences, or other structures.
  3. E-bikes are subject to the same rules as conventional bicycles.
  4. No unauthorized motor vehicles including scooters, golf carts, carts, trucks, autonomous delivery systems, bicycles or other motorized personal mobility devices on the Mall sidewalks or turf.
  5. Bus loading/unloading is to be in restricted zones indicated by signage or curb markings. Buses are to move out of the zone once loading/unloading is completed. Bus parking/loitering is allowed only in designated areas. Bus parking/loitering at parking meters is authorized only with advance notification and payment.
  6. Drone: The launching, landing, or operation of unmanned aircraft, including but not limited to remote control model airplanes and drones, or remote controlled wheeled vehicles, is prohibited on or over the Capitol Mall at all times unless the individual has applied for and been granted a permit by the State Preservation Board.


For questions, please contact the State Preservation Board. Monday through Friday: 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

To inquire about Special Events, please contact the Capitol Events Team.

Capitol Mall General Use Policy (PDF)