Governor's Mansion Tour Guidelines and Procedures
Please review this information with all tour participants prior to your visit.
A scheduled visit to the Texas Governor's Mansion offers an educational experience for all in history and architecture. The Texas Governor's Mansion is home to the Governor and the first family. It is important that all visitors adhere to these guidelines to ensure a positive tour experience.
Your Tour
20-person maximum per tour. Groups and individuals may be combined on the same tour until the 20-person capacity is reached. The length of the tour will be 30 minutes and will focus primarily on people and events connected to the home.
Please arrive on time. You need to arrive 10 minutes prior to the start of your tour time to go through security screening. All adults must have their Government issued ID: Drivers License, State of Texas ID, Passport.
Late arrivals, no matter the circumstances, are not guaranteed a tour: although every attempt will be made to accommodate late arrivals if space is available on a later tour.
Please take a restroom break prior to going through security screening, there are no restrooms on site.
Visitors will wait at the check-in queue on the sidewalk at 10th Street and Colorado Street. Once it is time for check-in, visitors will proceed to the security checkpoint.
Visitors will pass through security screening.
Enjoying Your Visit
There is no inclement weather alternative and no covered area for visitors to wait for their tours.
No storage is available. Please leave all belongings in cars or buses. NO backpacks, purses, briefcases, suitcases, strollers, coolers, food, beverages (including water), or gum are permitted. Baby carriers and wallets are allowed. Umbrellas are allowed but must be left on the front porch while inside the Mansion.
Cameras and cellphones are permissible. No flash photography is allowed. All cellphones must be on silent or vibrate.
Prohibited Conduct
Any behavior or activity that disrupts the safe or orderly use of the Governor’s Mansion, or that affects the tour guides’ ability to provide services, is prohibited and may result in denial of entry or removal from the premises. Prohibited conduct includes:
Disorderly or disruptive conduct that interferes with or distracts from other visitors’ enjoyment of the tour
Verbally abusive, harassing, discriminatory, or threatening statements or behavior toward other visitors, tour guides, Mansion staff, its occupants, the Mansion collection, or DPS.
Blocking entrances, hallways, doorways, access ramps or otherwise interfering with the flow of the tour in and around the Mansion
Deviation from the tour group or unauthorized entry into controlled or restricted areas
Unauthorized playing of music and video, unauthorized theatre performances, and sound amplification and noisemakers (except for approved assistive-listening devices)
Leafleting, signature gathering, protests, rallies, press conferences, or similar activities
Lack of clothing covering the upper and lower body; lack of shoes or other footwear
Failure to maintain control of minor children
Refusal to follow directions of tour guides and DPS Troopers
NOTE: The Texas Governor's Mansion Administration or DPS reserve the right to refuse or revoke the admission of any visitor whose conduct violates these guidelines.
Parking Information
Private vehicles may drop off passengers at the corner of 10th and Colorado. Private vehicles may park at the Capitol Visitors Parking Garage at 12th and San Jacinto or use metered street parking.
Buses may drop off passengers at 10th and Colorado. Bus parking is on Trinity between 15th and 18th.
The Texas Governor's Mansion is wheelchair accessible. Contact us in advance if anyone in your group requires accessibility accommodations, we will provide specific information regarding the drop off location, accessible parking, and accessibility entrance.
Cancellation of Tours
Certain circumstances require us to reserve the right to cancel at any time up to and including the day of and/or time of the tour without prior notice. Once we receive notification of a tour's cancellation, every attempt will be made to contact you immediately.