Code of Conduct
Tour Guidelines for Student Groups


Please review this information with all school staff and parents/chaperones in advance of your visit.

A scheduled visit to the Texas State Capitol and/or the Visitors Center offers an educational experience for students in history, architecture and government. It is important that all visitors adhere to these guidelines to ensure a positive tour experience.

Your Tour

  • Respect Capitol/Visitors Center property including the buildings. Do not touch furnishings, paintings or statues. Use soft, inside voices. The Capitol and Visitors Center are working state office buildings.

  • Remain orderly at all times while inside. Groups should stay together and stay on the right side of hallways and stairwells. Running and shouting are prohibited. Understand that dangerous, disruptive, profane or threatening behavior will not be tolerated. Any unruly groups will be asked to leave.

  • All students and adults should minimize personal conversations while the tours are being conducted. The use of electronic devices to take pictures is permitted. However, talking and/or texting on mobile devices during the tour are prohibited.

  • Chaperones/Parents are very important supervisors who are expected to abide by and enforce this code of conduct. They must stay with students at all times (unless otherwise directed by Capitol or Visitors Center staff) to help ensure appropriate behavior and the safety of the students and the buildings. If chaperones and/or students leave the tour for any reason, understand that we cannot stop the tour or wait for someone to rejoin.

Enjoying Your Visit

  • Picnicking on the Capitol Grounds is permitted. Note that no storage is available in the Capitol, Capitol Extension or the Visitors Center for groups to leave belongings, lunches or ice chests. Please coordinate the retrieval of these items from your bus or other vehicles. Please remember if you are planning a picnic, there is not an alternate site for inclement weather.

  • Please coordinate your plans with all bus drivers. Copy and review driving, arrival, parking and departing instructions with them. Arrange lunch delivery times and pick-up times.

  • Plan to arrive at the bus loading zone/parking garage 10 to 15 minutes before your scheduled tour time. If you are going to be late please call (512) 305-8402 to notify us. Plan a restroom break prior to your arrival at the Capitol Complex.

  • The Capitol and Visitors Center is wheelchair accessible. If someone in your group needs to use the elevator, call in advance of tour to inform the staff.

  • Do not enter the Capitol or Visitors Center prior to the assigned tour time. The designated lead teacher for each tour time must check in with the Capitol Tour Guide Office or Visitors Center staff prior to each tour start time. All students and other adults must wait outside the main entrance of the Capitol or the Visitors Center. This includes groups with scheduled gift shop visits. Please check in with the Visitors Center staff and they will manage your groups in and out of the gift shop.

Code of Conduct (PDF)